Thursday, 13 June 2013

Things to do during SUMMER :)

**Before starting today's post; as promised a little update on the vegetarian diet... It's going really well, better than expected actually! If any of you wish to try it but are somewhat afraid, don't be! It's quite easy once you start. Just be sure to add food that you particularly like in your diet at first to keep yourself distracted from the fact that you're not eating meat :).**

So... the time all students long for has arrived. It's summer 2013! I must admit, I'm not quite feeling that summery vibe yet but I guess it'll come soon enough. All of us like to make plans for these few months since we are free and we have much more time on our hands. There are those plans which seem to be there every summer, no matter how many years go by. Some such plans, for me, are watching movies/series, going out as much as possible, shopping, eating ice-cream (that's a must) and reading. Now, I am quite sure that all of you out there have a very long list of series they want to watch but here are a few suggestions...

  1. Pretty Little Liars (quite girly but I would classify it under mystery/drama/romance)
  2. New Girl (the plot is simple but the characters are very amiable - comedy/romance)
  3. Suits (only started it recently but it looks quite good. It is a drama and follows the story of 2 lawyers)
  4. Game of Thrones (I've heard a lot about this series and I think I'll be starting it soon enough - Fantasy)
  5. Arrow (I just loved this series as soon as I started it - Action/Drama/Mystery)
I know that I left out some amazing series but I thought of mentioning some of the series which I am currently watching/started recently/will start soon. Oh and I also left out the period dramas because as I said previously I will be dedicating a post specifically to them.

Then there are those plans which I added to the above list this year. This year I want to start writing a journal, I've attempted this many times but I have never kept writing on a daily basis. I also want to take more photos, especially when I'm out with my friends. I am not really fond of swimming (weird, I know) but this year I'm going to make an effort and go to the beach more often, even if I simply stay sunbathing and reading. Summer months are also ideal for evening walks. So I think it would be a lovely idea to take such walks with a friend or maybe a parent. Me and my best friend also decided to have a Disney-movie marathon.. you know bringing back childhood memories and all that. Oh.. and finally it's also a good idea to try and get slimmer during summer (if you need it) since you would have more time to prepare healthy meals and exercise.

I hope this post helped you in finding new things to do this summer! Until next time x.

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