Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Something about me

Today I thought of introducing myself.

First of all, I am an 18-year-old student who has just sat for her A' level exams .... Hallelujah they're over now!! I live in a tiny country called Malta; an island right in the middle of the Mediterranean. There are a lot of things which I like and I thought of mentioning some of them below.

I love music. All kinds of it. Music is that one thing which is constantly there, it helps you, it relieves you. Nothing, except music, can make me feel so sad or so happy in an instant. There is something magical in having a melody and maybe some words to go with it, which are able to communicate so much and yet seem so simple. I always wonder... what would the world be like without music? I'd say it would be a living hell.

Then, there's movies. I must admit, I am quite a hopeless romantic. I just can't help it! Every time  I try to decide upon a movie to watch, I end up going for that classic love story or that heartbreaking tale. Oh, but I cannot forget my absolute favorite kind of movies. I am a HUGE sucker for period dramas. The lovely Jane Austen stories or maybe a nice BBC drama ... that's all I need any day, everyday. I intend to write another post dedicated to period dramas in the future. I'll make a small list of dramas which, in my opinion, are the best around.

More than movies, I adore books. When I watch a movie, I am simply witnessing someone else's idea of the story line. When reading a book I am free to imagine the scenes, the characters, the places as if I have created them myself. Very few novel-based movies live up to the expectations of viewers who have read the book. Why? I think it's because they are rarely as fascinating as that little story you yourself have made up. Books transport me to another world. A world very different from my own. A world which makes me feel lost. But being lost was never quite as lovely.

Then there are those other little things that I love, like shopping or daydreaming or travelling or simply laughing. But above all, I love life! (Yes, I know it's a cheesy line :P!)
Song today : Mumford and Sons - Lover of the Light. 
That's it for today! x

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